Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.4529 Cosponsored  — A bill to provide protections for children in immigration custody, and for other purposes.
S.4520 Sponsored  — A bill to establish the Food Safety Administration to protect the public health by ensuring the safety of food, preventing foodborne illness, maintaining safety reviews and reassessments of food additives, enforcing pesticide residue tolerances, improving the surveillance of foodborne pathogens, and for other purposes.
S.4514 Cosponsored  — Countering Economic Coercion Act of 2022
S.4504 Cosponsored  — A bill to protect freedom of travel and reproductive rights.
S.4509 Cosponsored  — Black Sea Security Act of 2022
S.4506 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend title 10, United States Code, to provide for the consideration of the human rights records of recipients of support of special operations to combat terrorism, and for other purposes.
S.4510 Cosponsored  — A bill to protect clean air and public health by expanding fenceline and ambient air monitoring and access to air quality information for communities affected by air pollution, to require hazardous air pollutant monitoring at the fenceline of facilities whose emissions are linked to local health threats, to ensure the Environmental Protection Agency promulgates rules that require hazardous air pollutant data measurement and electronic submission at fencelines and stacks of industrial source categories, to expand and strengthen the national ambient air quality monitoring network, to deploy air sensors in communities affected by air pollution, and for other purposes.
S.4030 Cosponsored  — Cattle Price Discovery and Transparency Act of 2022
S.4402 Cosponsored  — Violent Incident Clearance and Technological Investigative Methods Act of 2022
S.3895 Cosponsored  — United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Reauthorization Act of 2022
S.4003 Cosponsored  — Law Enforcement De-Escalation Training Act of 2022
S.4380 Cosponsored  — A bill to transition the nontactical vehicle fleet of the Department of Defense to electric or other zero emission vehicles, and for other purposes.
S.4089 Sponsored  — Veterans Rapid Retraining Assistance Program Restoration and Recovery Act of 2022
S.4254 Cosponsored  — Disclosing Foreign Influence in Lobbying Act
S.3860 Cosponsored  — Invest to Protect Act of 2022
S.4278 Cosponsored  — Age 21 Act
S.4255 Sponsored  — A bill to authorize dedicated domestic terrorism offices within the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation to analyze and monitor domestic terrorist activity and require the Federal Government to take steps to prevent domestic terrorism.
S.4257 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend the Child Nutrition Act of 1966 to establish requirements for infant formula cost containment contracts, and for other purposes.
S.4240 Cosponsored  — A bill to amend section 2441 of title 18, United States Code, to broaden the scope of individuals subject to prosecution for war crimes.
S.3846 Cosponsored  — Justice and Mental Health Collaboration Reauthorization Act of 2022
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