Sponsored Legislation
Bill # | Bill Description | Updated |
S.516 | Cosponsored — State Cyber Resiliency Act | |
S.517 | Cosponsored — Consumer and Fuel Retailer Choice Act | |
S.477 | Sponsored — Congenital Heart Futures Reauthorization Act of 2017 | |
S.459 | Cosponsored — A bill to designate the area between the intersections of Wisconsin Avenue, Northwest and Davis Street, Northwest and Wisconsin Avenue, Northwest and Edmunds Street, Northwest in Washington, District of Columbia, as "Boris Nemtsov Plaza", and for other purposes. | |
S.411 | Cosponsored — A bill to eliminate racial, religious, and other discriminatory profiling by law enforcement, and for other purposes. | |
S.423 | Cosponsored — A bill to amend title 38, United States Code, to increase the maximum age for children eligible for medical care under the CHAMPVA program, and for other purposes. | |
S.415 | Cosponsored — A bill to nullify the effect of the recent executive order that makes the vast majority of unauthorized individuals priorities for removal and aims to withhold critical Federal funding to sanctuary cities. | |
S.428 | Cosponsored — ACE Kids Act of 2017 | |
S.419 | Cosponsored — Public Safety Officers' Benefits Improvement Act of 2017 | |
S.422 | Cosponsored — Blue Water Navy Vietnam Veterans Act of 2017 | |
S.382 | Cosponsored — Firefighter Cancer Registry Act of 2017 | |
S.360 | Cosponsored — A bill to amend the Help America Vote Act of 2002 to require States to provide for same day registration. | |
S.341 | Cosponsored — Russia Sanctions Review Act of 2017 | |
S.339 | Cosponsored — Military Widow's Tax Elimination Act of 2017 | |
S.337 | Cosponsored — A bill to provide paid family and medical leave benefits to certain individuals, and for other purposes. | |
S.329 | Cosponsored — A bill to place restrictions on the use of solitary confinement for juveniles in Federal custody. | |
S.298 | Cosponsored — A bill to require Senate candidates to file designations, statements, and reports in electronic form. | |
S.303 | Cosponsored — A bill to discontinue a Federal program that authorizes State and local law enforcement officers to investigate, apprehend, and detain aliens in accordance with a written agreement with the Director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement and to clarify that immigration enforcement is solely a function of the Federal Government. | |
S.275 | Cosponsored — A bill to allow the financing by United States persons of sales of agricultural commodities to Cuba. | |
S.272 | Cosponsored — A bill to enhance the security operations of the Transportation Security Administration and the stability of the transportation security workforce by applying a unified personnel system under title 5, United States Code, to employees of the Transportation Security Administration who are responsible for screening passengers and property, and for other purposes. |
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