Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.2235 Cosponsored  — HANGUP Act
S.2231 Cosponsored  — A bill to express the sense of Congress that the Government of the Maldives should immediately release former President Mohamed Nasheed from prison and release all other political prisoners in the...
S.2213 Cosponsored  — Background Check Completion Act of 2015
S.1491 Cosponsored  — Community Lender Regulatory Relief and Consumer Protection Act of 2015
S.2198 Cosponsored  — Domestic Violence Gun Homicide Prevention Act of 2015
S.2194 Cosponsored  — Clean Cookstoves and Fuels Support Act
S.2185 Cosponsored  — Breast Cancer Awareness Commemorative Coin Act
S.2176 Sponsored  — Affordable College Textbook Act
S.139 Cosponsored  — Ensuring Access to Clinical Trials Act of 2015
S.2145 Cosponsored  — Middle East Refugee Emergency Supplemental Appropriations Act, 2016
S.1676 Cosponsored  — DOCs for Veterans Act of 2015
S.2120 Cosponsored  — Veterans Justice Outreach Act of 2015
S.2098 Cosponsored  — Students Before Profits Act of 2015
S.2089 Cosponsored  — American Energy Innovation Act
S.2100 Cosponsored  — Tobacco to 21 Act
S.2090 Cosponsored  — Social Security Earned Benefits Payment Act
S.2079 Cosponsored  — United States Commission on International Religious Freedom Reauthorization Act of 2015
S.356 Cosponsored  — Electronic Communications Privacy Act Amendments Act of 2015
S.2037 Cosponsored  — Pell Grant Restoration Act of 2015
S.1938 Cosponsored  — Career-Ready Student Veterans Act of 2015
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