Sponsored Legislation

Bill # Bill Description Updated
S.1740 Cosponsored  — Equal Dignity for Married Taxpayers Act of 2015
S.1747 Cosponsored  — North Korea Sanctions Enforcement Act of 2015
S.1748 Cosponsored  — Transportation Infrastructure Grants and Economic Reinvestment Act
S.1716 Cosponsored  — America's College Promise Act of 2015
S.1715 Cosponsored  — Mayflower Commemorative Coin Act
S.1714 Cosponsored  — Miners Protection Act of 2015
S.Res. 215 Cosponsored  — A resolution designating the month of June 2015 as “National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Month” and June 27, 2015, as “National Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder Awareness Day”.
S.1688 Cosponsored  — New Columbia Admission Act
S.1659 Cosponsored  — Voting Rights Advancement Act of 2015
S.1658 Cosponsored  — Vested Employee Pension Benefit Protection Act
S.Res. 212 Cosponsored  — A resolution condemning the attack on Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina, and expressing encouragement and prayers for all affected by this evil assault.
S.1670 Cosponsored  — Torture Victims Relief Reauthorization Act of 2015
S.1664 Cosponsored  — Military and Veterans Education Protection Act
S.1662 Cosponsored  — Abraham Lincoln National Heritage Area Amendment Act
S.1676 Cosponsored  — DOCs for Veterans Act of 2015
S.Res. 209 Cosponsored  — A resolution designating the Ulysses S. Grant Association as the organization to implement the bicentennial celebration of the birth of Ulysses S. Grant, Civil War General and 2-term President of the United States.
S.1654 Cosponsored  — Overdose Prevention Act
S.1641 Cosponsored  — Jason Simcakoski Memorial Opioid Safety Act
S.Res. 204 Cosponsored  — A resolution recognizing June 20, 2015 as “World Refugee Day”.
S.Res. 205 Sponsored  — A resolution congratulating the Chicago Blackhawks on winning the 2015 Stanley Cup.
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