
Durbin Calls Out Senate Republicans For Refusal To Address The Border On A Bipartisan Basis

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Majority Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL), Chair of the Senate Judiciary Committee, today called out his Republican colleagues for their failure to help secure the border by once again voting against the bipartisan border bill on the Senate floor.  In a stunning reversal three months ago, Senate Republicans opposed the bipartisan border agreement, refusing to address these pressing issues, and instead prioritizing Donald Trump’s demands.

“Once again, Senate Republicans are putting Donald Trump over the American people.  This bipartisan deal, while not perfect, would provide resources and equipment to stop the flow of fentanyl into the United States and start to address our nation’s challenges at our southwest border.  I believe those are two priorities which Americans would like to see Congress do something about,” Durbin said.  “Unfortunately, the Republican leader, Donald Trump, has told Senate Republicans to do nothing—keep this issue alive until November.  That’s exactly the opposite of what the American people feel and I’m disappointed, but not surprised, to see my Republican colleagues vote against the bipartisan border deal once again today.”

Durbin has been a champion for immigration reform for years.  Durbin, along with seven of his Republican and Democratic colleagues, authored a comprehensive immigration reform package that would have addressed many of the challenges our nation faces at the border today.  That legislation passed the Senate with bipartisan support in 2013 but did not receive a vote in the Republican-controlled House. 
