August 08, 2020

Durbin Statement On President Trump's Coronavirus Executive Orders

SPRINGFIELDU.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement after President Donald Trump signed executive orders related to the coronavirus pandemic:

“Unlike comprehensive legislation that could be passed by Congress, these executive orders will not meet the needs of the American people or help solve this public health or economic crisis.  Yesterday’s jobs report showed that our economy is losing steam.  This is the time to be making meaningful, bold investments in America—not piecemeal executive orders or inadequate legislative proposals.

“Instead of sitting down to negotiate a compromise to help millions of struggling Americans, President Trump is golfing at his lavish New Jersey club and raising money for his campaign in the Hamptons.  His priorities are obvious.  Democrats are going to keep fighting until we achieve the caliber of legislation the American people need and deserve.  We hope President Trump and Republicans will join us.”
