March 23, 2020

Durbin Statement on Third Coronavirus Economic Stimulus Package

Senate Democrats continue fighting to address the public health crisis & put working families first

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senate Democratic Whip Dick Durbin (D-IL) today released the following statement after Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s partisan coronavirus economic stimulus package failed to garner enough votes to move forward in the Senate:

“This partisan coronavirus stimulus package neglected hospitals, community health centers, health care workers, and first responders; it neglected state and local governments; it neglected our teachers, cafeteria workers, and bus drivers; it neglected small business owners, non-profits, and working class families.

“After two emergency bills were enacted with strong, bipartisan support, we were all hoping this stimulus package would be the same.  But this bill, written by Senate Republican Leader Mitch McConnell, broke down when he refused to make it a bipartisan negotiation.

“Now is not the time for partisanship.  Time is of the essence.  The Senate must work together – on a bipartisan basis – to help stop this public health and economic crisis.  American lives are at stake.”  
