September 2019 |
Durbin, Menendez, Leahy Respond To Trump Falsehood On Ukraine
Durbin Discusses Immigrant Labor And Climate Change At Agriculture Committee Hearing
Durbin Calls For Senate Action On Gun Violence At National Rally
Durbin Statement On Senate Vote To Reject President Trump's Emergency Declaration
Durbin, Maloney Introduce Bicameral Bill To Increase Access To Broadband Service For Low-Income Americans
Durbin Meets With Normal Mayor Chris Koos
Durbin Meets With Illinois Manufacturing Association To Discuss Trade And Workforce Development
Durbin, Engel, Leahy, Malinowski Call For U.S. Ambassador To Hungary To Uphold American Democratic & Security Norms
Durbin Calls For House To Begin Impeachment Inquiry Into President Trump
Durbin Urges Trump Administration To Withdraw Proposal To Cut Food Assistance From Millions Of Americans
Durbin, Duckworth Announce Nearly $5 Million To Increase Substance Use Disorder Treatments
Durbin Calls For Senate Action On Gun Violence
Durbin, Duckworth Announce $55 Million In Federal Funding For Airports Throughout Illinois
Durbin, Bipartisan Senators Urge FDA To Remove All Pod- And Cartridge Based E-Cigarettes From Market Until They Can Be Proven Safe
Durbin, Duckworth, Colleagues Introduce Resolution To Protect Ambitious National Fuel Economy And Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards
Durbin, Duckworth, Booker, Hirono Introduce Bill To Expand Public Service Loan Forgiveness To Adjunct Professors
Durbin, Colleagues Introduce Bill To Reduce Youth Tobacco Use & Vaping Epidemic
Durbin: Appropriations Bills Provide Critical Funding For Illinois
Durbin Statement On Closed School Discharges For Former ITT Tech Students
Durbin, Braun Introduce Bipartisan Bill To Create Rural Infrastructure Office