January 2014 |
Durbin: Congress Agrees to Fund Great Lakes Restoration Initiative at $300 Million
Durbin & Blumenthal Optimistic FDA's New Online Reporting System Will Better Detect Unsafe Dietary Supplements
Durbin, Bustos: Omnibus Appropriations Bill Improves Rock Island Arsenal Competativeness, Ensures Steady Workload in Future
Durbin, Bustos: Robust Funding for Prison Activation in Omnibus Appropriations Bill Is Good News for Thomson
Durbin Commends State Action on Pet Coke
Durbin Announces More Than $2.9 Million for Illinois Housing Development and Self-Sufficiency Programs
Durbin, Brown, and Kirk Introduce Bipartisan Resolution to Honor Famed Prohibition Agent Eliot Ness
Durbin, Kirk React to Denial of Federal Public Assistance for Southern and Central Illinois Counties
Durbin Introduces Southern District Judicial Nominee at Senate Committee Hearing
Durbin, Quinn, Branstad Discuss Illinois Impact of EPA Renewable Fuel Standard Proposal
On Fiftieth Anniversary of the War on Poverty, Durbin Calls for a Renewed Commitment to Creating Opportunity for All Americans
Durbin Holds Hearing on Syrian Refugee Crisis
Durbin Statement on Asian Carp Management Study
December 2013 |
Senators Urge Swift Review of FDA Rule to Regulare the Manufacturing, Sale, and Marketing of E-Cigarettes
Durbin Asks IRS to Issue Rule Limiting What Hospitals Can Charge Poor, Uninsured for Care
Durbin, Reed, Warren: Student Loan Debt Is Hurting America's Middle Class
Durbin Discusses Priorities for Creating Jobs and Growing America's Middle Class
Durbin, Bustos Applaud New Task Force to Fight Violent Crime in Winnebago County
Durbin And Kirk Support Argonne Proposal To Help Mass Transit Systems Handle Emergency Events
Durbin And Kirk Support Argonne Proposal To Help Mass Transit Systems Handle Emergency Events