Press Releases


Durbin Statement on New Cape Air Contract for Quincy, Marion & Cape Girardeau

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today made the following statement after the Department of Transportation announced that it has awarded new contracts to Cape Air to provide Essential Air Service (EAS) from Quincy, Marion and Cape Girardeau to St. Louis International Airport. The current contracts expire at the end of November. "Cape Air has been a reliable, safe and affordable air service provider in Quincy, Marion and the Cape Girardeau region," said Durbin. "These … Continue Reading


Durbin, Duckworth Announce $14 Million TIGER Grant for Metra's Fox River Bridge Project

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) and U.S. Representative Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today announced that the Department of Transportation has awarded $14 million in federal funding through the TIGER grant program to Metra to replace the existing rail bridge over the Fox River. A new double track bridge is expected to eliminate the bottleneck between freight rail and Metra's Milwaukee District - West Line while upgrading technology that will allow for Positive Train Control (PTC)… Continue Reading


Durbin, Warren, Takano & Colleagues Urge Social Security Administration to Implement Supreme Court’s Marriage Decisions, Not Penalize Previously-Married Same-Sex Couples

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Today, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) joined U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), U.S. Representative Mark Takano (D-CA), and 119 of their congressional colleagues in a letter urging Acting Commissioner of Social Security Carolyn W. Colvin and Attorney General Loretta Lynch to make sure that the Supreme Court's landmark marriage decisions are implemented and that the Social Security Administration (SSA) is treating all marriages equally. The letter urges SSA not to penaliz… Continue Reading


Senate Approves Durbin-Authored Resolution Commemorating Discovery of Polio Vaccine

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Ahead of World Polio Day, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) applauded Senate passage of his bipartisan resolution commemorating the discovery of the polio vaccine and supporting efforts to eradicate the disease everywhere it exists. The resolution was introduced earlier this year to coincide with the 60th anniversary of the announcement of the discovery of the first safe and effective polio vaccine. The resolution encourages federal funding for the Global Polio Eradication Ini… Continue Reading


Durbin Joins Blumenthal & 26 Senate Colleagues Imploring President Obama to Correct Improper Implementation of Helms Amendment, Reducing Barriers to Safe Abortion for Women and Girls in Conflict-Affected Regions

[WASHINGTON, DC] - Today, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) joined U.S. Senator Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) in a letter with 26 of their Senate colleagues urging President Obama to ensure the United States is adequately supporting the reproductive health needs for women and girls in conflict-affected zones by removing unnecessary barriers to safe abortion. This action is desperately needed because of the increased use of rape as a tool of warfare perpetrated by groups such as Boko Haram in Nigeria a… Continue Reading


Senate Judiciary Committee Passes Grassley-Durbin Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act

WASHINGTON-The Senate Judiciary Committee today passed the Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015, which grants judges greater sentencing flexibility for certain low-level drug offenders and establishes recidivism reduction programs, while targeting violent criminals. The bill passed the committee by a vote of 15-5. The bill passed today includes minor clarifications to the original bill text. The bill is the product of bipartisan negotiations led by Senate Judiciary Committee Chair… Continue Reading


Durbin Hosts Meeting with Southern Illinois Leaders, Bipartisan Congressional Delegation to Discuss Regional Priorities

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today hosted a meeting with members of the Illinois Congressional Delegation representing Southern Illinois and local leaders from the region. Former U.S. Representative Jerry Costello (D-IL), U.S. Senator Mark Kirk (R-IL), and U.S. Representatives John Shimkus (R-IL), Mike Bost (R-IL), and Rodney Davis (R-IL) attended the meeting. Durbin convened the meeting to discuss two major priority issues for the region: efforts to increase rail capacit… Continue Reading


Senators Press OMB to Quickly Review Rule Finally Regulating E-Cigarettes and Other Unregulated Tobacco Products

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Today, U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Charles E. Schumer (D-NY), Patty Murray (D-WA), Barbara Boxer (D-CA), Edward J. Markey (D-MA), Sherrod Brown (D-OH), Jack Reed (D-RI), Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) and Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), pressed the White House Office of Management and Budget (OMB) to complete its review of a long-overdue rule to regulate e-cigarettes and other forms of tobacco as quickly as possible. A Centers fo… Continue Reading


Durbin Applauds New Administration Effort to Address Opiod Epidemic

[WASHINGTON, DC] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) applauded a new effort by federal, state, local and private sector partners to address the ongoing problem of prescription drug and heroin addiction and abuse. Under the leadership of the Obama Administration, the partnership aims to double the number of health providers enrolled in their State Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs, as well as the number of providers certified to prescribe naloxone - a drug that can reverse an opioid overdose - … Continue Reading


Durbin Speaks on Senate Floor to Share Experience on Greek Island at Center of Syrian Refugee Crisis

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL), an outspoken supporter of providing humanitarian relief to Syrian refugees and increasing the capacity for refugee admissions to the United States, spoke on the Senate Floor today about his recent travel to Greece, where he visited the island of Lesbos. Thousands of refugees have come ashore after fleeing the violence in Syria. "The mayor of Lesbos has been generous and thoughtful in addressing the suffering. He told me he often thought… Continue Reading


Durbin Meets with Harvard University President to Discuss Funding for Biomedical, Scientific Breakthroughs

[WASHINGTON, DC] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) met with Harvard University President Drew Faust to discuss higher education issues and support for federally funded biomedical and science research. A photo from the meeting with President Faust is available here. "Harvard is home to some of our nation's best researchers. But like their colleagues across the country, Harvard's scientists are facing diminishing federal resources for their cutting edge research. This isn't simply a problem … Continue Reading


Durbin Joins Blumenthal, Warren, Brown to Demand Education Department Stop Unrestrained Flow of Federal Funds to Potentially Fraudulent For-Profit Schools

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Today, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) joined U.S. Senators Richard Blumenthal (D-CT), Elizabeth Warren (D-MA), and Sherrod Brown (D-OH) in demanding that the U.S. Department of Education (ED) immediately take action to stop millions in federal funds from being provided to potentially fraudulent for-profit institutions, as uncovered by a recent report in The New York Times. In writing to ED Under Secretary Ted Mitchell, the senators implored ED to increase efforts to prevent… Continue Reading


Durbin Remarks at Senate Judiciary Committee Hearing on Bipartisan Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act

WASHINGTON-U.S. Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) today spoke at a Senate Judiciary Committee hearing on the bipartisan Sentencing Reform and Corrections Act of 2015, legislation he negotiated aimed at recalibrating prison sentences for certain nonviolent drug offenses, targeting violent criminals, and granting judges greater discretion at sentencing for lower-level drug crimes. The bill also seeks to curb recidivism by helping prisoners successfully re-enter society. H… Continue Reading


Durbin: Department of Education Tightens Controls on ITT Tech

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) responded today to a move by the Department of Education to tighten controls over ITT Tech after finding that the for-profit college - facing investigations by the Department of Justice and at least 18 state Attorneys General and lawsuits by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau and the Securities and Exchange Commission- failed to meet its fiduciary obligations and the administrative capability standards required of institutions participat… Continue Reading


Durbin, Blumenthal Statement on New Study Identifying Dietary Supplement Use Causes More Than 20,000 E.R. Visits Every Year

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - U.S. Senators Dick Durbin (D-IL) and Richard Blumenthal (D-CT) issued the following statement today on a new study finding that dietary supplement use results in more than 20,000 emergency room visits every year: "This study confirms that not enough is being done to protect consumers-especially young adults-from dangerous dietary supplements. Despite industry's assertions that side effects from dietary supplements are extremely rare, we now know that dietary supplemen… Continue Reading


Durbin Calls for FBI to Explain Walkback of Consumer Protection Advisory Regarding Security Features on Credit and Debit Cards

CHICAGO-U.S. Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) today called on the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) to explain why it revised a consumer protection advisory regarding current credit and debit smart card security technology, and whether the FBI is taking appropriate steps to protect consumers and warn against and deter payment card fraud involving lost or stolen cards. On October 8th, the FBI posted an advisory stating that new cards equipped with microchip secur… Continue Reading


Durbin Visits Ukraine, Greek Island at Center of Syrian Refugee Crisis

[SPRINGFIELD, IL] - U.S. Senate Assistant Democratic Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) returned to Illinois after four days in Greece and Ukraine. Durbin first traveled to the island of Lesbos in Greece, where thousands of refugees have come ashore after fleeing the violence in Syria. "The situation in Syria is the humanitarian crisis of our time," said Durbin. "The magnitude of the crisis is clear in the numbers of Syrian men, women, and children fleeing the violence, but the human stories behind… Continue Reading


Durbin Discusses Legislation to Combat Heroin Epidemic

[SPRINGFIELD, IL] - As heroin overdose deaths continue to rise in Sangamon County and across the country, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today met with local advocates, health professionals and people whose lives were impacted by heroin and opiate addiction to discuss ways to combat the growing problem. Durbin recently co-sponsored bills to expand treatment for heroin addiction and expand access to naloxone - a drug that counters the effects of an opioid overdose - and other drug prevention pro… Continue Reading


Durbin Calls on VA and Department of Education to Review DOD’s Findings on University of Phoenix and Take Action

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Following the decision by the Department of Defense (DOD) to place the University of Phoenix on probation and prohibit the company from enrolling new servicemembers and their spouses using its Tuition Assistance and MyCAA programs, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today called on the Department of Education and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) to review DOD's findings and take appropriate action to protect students and federal taxpayer dollars. Durbin called on t… Continue Reading


Durbin: Department of Defense Puts University of Phoenix on Probation

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] - Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Defense, U.S. Senator Dick Durbin (D-IL) today praised the Department of Defense (DOD)'s decision to place the University of Phoenix on probation and prohibit the company from enrolling new servicemembers using its Tuition Assistance program. Additional information on their action can be found on the department's website. Durbin called on the Department of Defense to investigate the University of Phoenix after… Continue Reading

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