
Durbin Meets with Ambassador to Key U.S. Ally

[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – Assistant Senate Majority Leader Dick Durbin (D-IL) today met with Timothy Roemer, the United States Ambassador to India – the most populous democracy in the world and a key ally – to discuss the relationship between the U.S. and India.  This is the first time Durbin has met with Roemer in his capacity as Ambassador.

“Over the last year, Ambassador Roemer has worked to strengthen the already strong friendship between the United States and India,” said Durbin.  “It was interesting today to hear his thoughts on the future of our relationship and continued cooperation.”

Roemer was sworn in as the 21st U.S. Ambassador to the Republic of India on July 23, 2009.  Prior to that, Roemer was President of the Center for National Policy (CNP), a moderate think-tank dedicated to sparking bipartisan dialogue and encouraging solutions to America’s national security challenges.  From 1991 to 2003, he represented the 3rd District of Indiana for six terms in the House of Representatives.  While serving in Congress, Roemer served on the Intelligence, Education and Workforce and Science committees.