Press Releases

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August 2012
Durbin Announces More Than $94,000 in DOJ Funding for Ford County Judiciary Program
New Immigration Policy for Dreamers Represents Economic and Humanitarian Victory, Durbin Says
Durbin: Secretary of Agriculture Declares Entire State of Illinois Eligible for Drought Relief
Durbin Announces $1.25 Million Investment to Grow New Air Service at Central Illinois Airports
Durbin Announces Another Bipartisan Screening Committee for Federal Judges in the Northern District
Durbin, Senators Urge President Obama to Create Drought Task Force
Senate Judiciary Committee Approves Durkin Nomination for Illinois Northern District
Durbin Urges Support for Main Street Businesses at Hearing on Bipartisan Marketplace Fairness Act
July 2012
Durbin Announces $51,000 in DOJ Funding to Enhance Law Enforcement Capabilities in Moline
Next Frontier in High Performance Computing to Usher in New Chapter in Scientific Discovery
Durbin and BOP Director Discuss Importance of Thomson Prison to Relieve Overcrowding and Create 1,100 New Jobs in Illinois
Durbin to Wolf: End Opposition to 1,100 New Jobs in Illinois
Durbins Bill to Crack Down on Excessive Interest Rates and Fees
Durbin Announces an Over $150,000 Investment in Illinois First Responder Capabilities
Durbin Announces $64,000 in Funding to Enhance Law Enforcement Capabilities in Joliet
Durbin Meets with CSX CEO to Discuss Rail Safety
Durbin Chairs Hearing on Citizens United Decision and the Rise of Super PACs
Durbin and Kirk Application for U.S. Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois Now Online
Durbin Meets with Illinois Corn Growers to Discuss Ongoing Drought and Agriculture Priorities
Durbin and Kirk Name Screening Committee for Next US Attorney for the Northern District of Illinois and Announce Application Process
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