November 2009 |
Following Meeting with the VA Inspector General, Durbin Offers Amendment Designed to Attract Medical Professionals to Rural VA Hospitals
Durbin and Illinois Delegation Members to Meet With VA Inspector General on Monday
Durbin: Senate Approves $3.25 Million for Illinois Projects
VA Secretary to Delegation: Correcting Marion VA Failures is a Department Priority
Durbin Meets with New Board Chairman of the FutureGen Alliance
Durbin, Burris, Costello, Shimkus: VA Management Must Be Held Accountable for Failures at Marion Facility
October 2009 |
Durbin: Congress Approves $1.4 Million for Illinois Projects
Durbin Legislation to Provide Support to Families of Severly Disabled Service Members Signed into Law
Durbin, Bean: North Chicago Health Center Legislation Signed into Law
Durbin Announces Nearly $11 Million in Recovery Act Funding for Smart Grid Technology in Naperville
Durbin Remarks on Unemployment Insurance Extension
Durbin Statement on the Public Option
Durbin Statement on the Urgent Need for Food Safety Reform
Durbin, Bean: North Chicago Health Center Legislation Approved by Congress Awaiting President's Signature
Durbin, Costello Announce New Carrier to Provide Air Servie to Downstate Communities
Durbin: Congress Approves Resolution Granting Honorary Citizenship to Casmir Pulaski
Durbin Introduces Clean Cruise Ship Act to Protect Oceans, Marine Life and Great Lakes
Durbin Announces $3 Million in Recovery Act
Durbin: Congress Approves $1 Million for Chicago Emergency Center
Durbin Meets with Special Envoy to Sudan on New Administration Policy